We are all born creative, but some of us forget how to use our creative muscles
If you are looking for tools to enhance your creative journey and connect you more deeply to your soul desires, we have methods that will assist you.
We are creating our lives with every choice we make. Our workshops guide you in becoming a master creator of your reality.

A deep dive into what it means to live a life by design.
8 weeks online coaching zoom meetings & daily inspiration to fast track your creative process
Monday 19 July- 6 September 2021
Feeling a little or a lot stuck? Do you have the sense that you are capable of so much more- both in your creativity and other areas of your life?
I have a box full of transformational tools that will help you connect to your creative potential and I am passionate about sharing them!
Are you an artist? This will enable you to break though limiting beliefs and take your art to the next level .
Not an artist? This will get your creative juices flowing and open you up to a world of personal potential. Absolutely no skill or talent required.This is not an art course. It is a journey into yourself, a deep exploration of your creative potential and the things that block you from reaching it.
This is not an art course. It is a journey into yourself, a deep exploration of your creative potential.
You are creating your life every minute of every day with every choice you make. Harness your creativity to design a life you love that feels totally aligned with your dreams and purpose.
These deeply uncertain times are gifting us the space to go inward and do some vital maintenance on our personal operating systems.
We all have the opportunity to emerge from this time of isolation, transformed.
This personal transformation workshop is designed to assist you in harnessing your own creative potential- 7 weeks is enough time to cultivate new habits and set you on a new trajectory.
What you feed, grows…
I have been guiding people in their creative journeys for the last 15 years and I find that there are common challenges that block most of us from moving forward. They are:
Time management
The inner critic
Feelings of inadequacy- not
'good enough'
Fear of failure
Fear of success
Not loving ourselves enough to prioritise our own things
Does this sound like you...? I can help!

We meet for 8 2 1/2 hour zoom sessions where you will get tools for:
• Enhancing your creative potential
• Time management
• Intention setting
• Cultivating dreams & getting clarity on what they are
• Setting goals
• Working through fears/blocks
• Managing the internal critic/self doubt
• Connecting to pleasure and play
• Healing through creative expression
• Vision boarding
• Guided meditations
BONUS:• Daily journal prompts to guide your process & take your self enquiry deeper
• A one hour complimentary personal coaching session
• A closed Facebook group to share insights & support in community AND
• Optional ongoing monthly support in our wonderful community of people who are on their creative paths.It's always so much more powerful to journey with a supportive group. We inspire one another and create a degree of accountability which always helps us to show up for ourselves.
R3800 if you are earning as usual in South Africa.
R2500 for low income,
$290 all other countries
This workshop is usually costs $350, but I am mindful of the budget constraints we have during this global crisis, so this is my Covid-19 gift to you.
We meet via Zoom on Mondays 6.30pm-9pm GMT +2 South African time.
Starting Monday 19 July- 6 September 2021
A journal
An A2 sketch pad
Tempura or acrylic paints
Coloured pencils
Old magazines & glue
If you don’t have all these items. Don’t worry. You can make do with what you have at home.
I invite you to invest in your life, your dreams and your healing.
With love

Verity is an artist, interior designer, Biodanza facilitator, is the co-owner of the Johannesburg Central school of Biodanza and plays an active role in Afrikaburn. She has facilitated her work in Brazil, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Mozambique and South Africa. She is passionate about connecting people to their creative potential.
"Verity is an inspiration for anybody that loves creativity or would like to activate her creative force. Her Artery online course is really an opportunity to step into the flow of your divine creativity not only for your projects and art works but most of all for creating the life you really want to design for yourself. She will help you to remove your creative blocks, acknowledge your fears and put them in the back seat of your life so you can achieve whatever purpose you have. If you really love yourself this course is one of the best presents I can possibly imagine for your joy and evolution. When you step out of the comfort repetitive zone, magic starts to happen. Thanks so much dear Verity for your kindness and generosity and for inspiring me so much. I love you!" Noemi Modamio- yoga instructor & inspirational speaker

"Being an artist by profession, I was very curious about The Artery and how it could help me on my path. I didn't expect all the wonderful things that have happened (and I haven't even completed the course yet!)... I have always wanted to be a bronze sculptor but have never been able to make things work in that direction; so I pushed the dream aside and decided to be content with other mediums of art. Participating in the Artery helped me re-ignite my dream again, pinpoint the obstacles that were getting in my way of fulfilling it and gave me the tools to overcome those obsticles. I am now taking my first steps in fulfilling that dream- I've started (and am almost finished) sculpting the clay that will become my first bronze and even have a buyer for it! I am beyond excited! Wither you are an artist or not, The Artery will ignite your creative dreams." Shani Waldbaum- artist

"I had very high expectations of Verity’s ability to run an engaging and impactful program like this, and she still far exceeded my expectations. She constructed a course that was full of fun and challenging surprises. As someone who hasn’t picked up a paint brush in ten years she really helped me get into the flow and harness my own creative potential like never before. You pay hardly anything for the value that can be extracted in these 8 weeks! I would absolutely recommend this to anyone who is looking to become a better version of themselves. Hopefully that’s everyone."Connor Schwab- businessman & personal development facilitator

"Even if you don't call yourself an artist, you have the potential to be a dynamic creator who is always hatching new plans, coming up with fresh ideas, and shifting your approach to everything you do as you adjust to life's ceaseless invitation to change.It's to this part of you- the restless, inventive spirit- That I address the following: Unleash your self! Don't be satisfied with the world the way it is; don't sit back passively and blankly complain about the deadweight of mediocre status quo. Instead, call on your curiosity and charisma and expressiveness and lust for life as you tinker with and rebuild everything you see so that it's in greater harmony with the laws of love and more hospitable to your soul's code. " Rob Breezy
The Artery is a series of workshops designed to connect participants to their own innate creative ability, utilising craft, art therapy techniques, movement, play, group interaction, writing and profound soul searching to bring about personal transformation.
We are all born creative, yet many of us tend to forget this as we enter adulthood as creativity is not celebrated and many have the misinformation that if they cannot draw or paint, they are not creative. You don’t need to be an artist to enjoy the fulfillment and joy connected with living a truly creative life.
The activities and processes are designed so that anyone with any skill level can participate and enjoy the process. The emphasis is on curiosity and the process and not on doing things well. It's in allowing ourselves to be beginners that we liberate our potential for new experiences. It is a mix of pure play and fun, and in depth connection to your life impetus and how you are creating your own story.

The Artery for business

Creative solutions for inspiring your team to maximise their creative output and get them thinking out the box.
Tailor made workshops to address your business' vision, needs and aspirations.
Team building focusing on relationship, connection and mutual recognition.
The Artery and social action

"The best thing we got from this camp was learning about self-love and that has truly altered our perspective on how we perceive ourselves and everyone around usMost of the sessions that we took part in this camp have had a huge impact into our body, soul and mind. We had a great time dancing and connecting to our body. It was great learning to express what’s inside and letting go of everything that has impeded our progress in life. Laughter was shared amongst the girls and we got to know each other better."
We have been privileged to host 4 four day workshops for the young ladies from The Home of Hope in Berea- survivors of sex trafficking, poverty and abuse. We took them away to Melody Hills retreat in Magaliesberg for an escape from their challenging daily reality into a nurturing soul space.
It was incredible sharing profound life skills and opening doors of possibility for them, working deeply on self esteem, their bonds with one another, their right to dream and overcoming their fears.
Using Biodanza, art therapy techniques, journalling, theatre, vision boarding, nutritious food and play, we witnessed wonderful transformation.
Verity has dreams of expanding this work and has more workshops scheduled with them, the next being in July 2018. If you feel called to sponsor a girl, please contact us.
If you are needing this sort of work in your organisation, Verity does pro-bono work too. Contact her to see what magic we can weave together.