For Business

For business
Workshops tailored to meet your business's needs
We have creative solutions for inspiring your team to maximise their creative output and get them thinking out the box.
We design workshops to address your business' vision, needs and aspirations.
Team building focusing on relationship, connection and mutual recognition.

Public speaking
Day workshops
Multi day workshops
Dan Pink explains in his book, A Whole New Mind, that creativity is among the most important skills there are for the conceptual age we’re living in. As technology improves, more jobs will be taken over by machines, which will leave us doing the tasks in which tech is still behind — those activities that make us uniquely human.
* connect to their creativity
* form closer bonds with one another
* build self esteem
* gain a deeper understanding of how to use creativity in the work space
* tools for 'unblocking' the creative process
We are living in an age where it is no longer enough to merely be well qualified.In this rapidly and ever changing climate, the need to be innovators has become essential. Dispelling the limiting belief that “I don’t have a creative bone in my body” is key.Once people buy into the fact that they are, in fact, innately creative,it opens doors of possibility. Connecting deeply to the belief in one’s own creative potential has knock on effects in all areas of our lives. Fulfilled, happy people are productive people.This is a motivational, fun team building alternative that allows participants to see amazing qualities in both themselves and others.
Participants are encouraged to think differently, motivated to find their own magic and recognize the need to create the life and work experience they want and need.
The workshops can be tailor made to suit the needs of your business and can have a strong business angle or just be geared towards creative expression and play.
Verity can also slot into a conference and work with your theme.
“Etana has had the great privilege of making use of Verity Maud’s services over the past few years. In my role as head of People & Brand I am always looking for new ways to empower Etanans to be the best they can be- and in so doing, deliver superb service to our clients. Verity’s workshops and events with Etana have notonly achieved these great outputs for the individuals and our team overall, but have been done in a fun and highly interactive way.
I would highly recommend Verity Maud as a creative person who understands business. She is interesting, clever,passionate, highly professional. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.”
Carel Nolte
Head:People&Brand at Etana Insurance

Being in a free creative space allows colleagues to see one another in ways that the work space does not usually allow, building respect and stronger relationships with one another